Today, I was lucky enough to experience two firsts: first ROTC PT and first time driving in the snow with a RWD car.
Lets begin my day:
0500: Woke up, completely tired. Had to drag myself out of bed. Put on all my winter PT gear, which consists of: shortsleeve ARMY shirt, ARMY shorts, long sleeve ARMY shirt, ARMY long pants, ARMY jacket, long socks, running shoes, reflective belt, hat, and gloves. Needless to say I was bundled up and ready to go by 0520.
Get out to my car around 0525, and its covered in snow and fresh snow is falling all around me. I clean my car off wiht my handy $1.00 scrapper from Wal*Mart. Hop in and start to drive to Washington University. Half way up my block, my car is sliding and slipping everywhere. It's rear wheel drive..seriously thought I'd crash.
0610: Made it to Washington University, had to text Lee a few times to find the building. Finally found it and went in...thats when I realied I had forgotten my water bottle.
0630: PT starts. We strip off our winter PT gear, so we are left in our shorts and t-shirts. So we begin with stretches, easy enough...Then we jump into pushups. We did three different types of push-ups: close armed, wide armed, and deltoid. Reps of 30 each. I wanted to die. My arms were like jell-o, and I cheated a bit on some of them. I know, I know, I was only cheating myself, But this was my first PT so I'm cutting myself slack.
After Push-ups we did stomach exercises: swimmer legs for 1 minute, followed immediately by scissor legs for one minute, followed immediately by figure 8 legs for 1 minute, followed by leg up and downs for one minute...thast right 4 minutes of pure hell on my back.
After that was over, we got a water break and i LOADED up on water. When I returned to the gym we di suicides..and they were suicides. I havent run in so long, that doing 3 sets of suicides made me want to kill myself.
After that, we did runs across the gym and back, 10 times. We did three sets of those. I only was able to do 2 and a half. I had this amazing cadet on my team, and he cheered me on the entire time. He was awesome, I wish I could remember his name so I could add him on Facebook and give him a proper thanks for his support.
PT was a lot of fun todday, and I can't wait until I'm able to do an entire PT without wanting to quit. :)
Hey, I thought I posted earlier but it seems it did not show up. I read about your blog on MIG and thought I would come over to follow your journey to becoming a commissioned officer in the U.S Army!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for following :) I really appreciate the support! <3
I love the look of your blog! I'm coming over from MIG, but I'm also a SITSta!
ReplyDeleteFun... not quite the word I would use! :)
ReplyDeleteI came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!
Wow girl, that sounds tough!
ReplyDeleteStopping in to welcome you to SITS!