Just got back from the longest most exciting lab of my life! Today was also the first time I was able to wear my ACU's. I felt like such a part of the team, for the first time. It was so awesome to be there with the rest of the Gateway Battalion.
In lab tonight, I learned many things about battle formations and entering buildings. We carried model riffles, and holy crap were thye heavy! I wear they must have weighed at least 10 pounds, holding them up for a long time sure gets tiring! I spent probably a half an hour of the two hour lab laying on the hard concrete floor holding this riffle up pretending to shoot the enemy. I have blisters on my hand from my ring and the gun, next time I'll have t remember to remove my ring before lab :)
My squad leader is so nice and helpful. I really love the family feeling in the ROTC.
The military ball is next weekend, I get my Class A uniform tomorrow! I'm really excited to go!
I'm too tired to write anymore tonight, all in all lab was awesome.
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